Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Did I do it?

Did I touch you? Did I hurt the dog? What about the cats? Are you sure I didn’t? I can't be sure. It feels like I did. My hands feel dirty. It feels like my hand touched my dogs butt when she was beside me. But I can't guarantee that I did do it, nor can I guarantee that I didn't. I can’t figure it out, and it scares me. I feel dirty and full of germs. I want to wash. But then that means that I start this compulsion again. And then, I would have to change my clothes and wash my laptop and my couch and everything else I touched. Sigh, and how would I ever know for sure what all I touched. I don't ever wish to hurt anyone. Why am I like this and why won’t it go away? I neeeeeeeeed a new brain! Ocd... your a pain in the fucking ass. I hate dealing with this every second of everyday.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A new beginning...

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.
Clint Eastwood

Let me be real for a second here…. Let me be totally honest.

For at least the past year and a half I have failed… epically. I allowed myself to be stripped of so much confidence, independence, discipline, and honesty. I have hidden, laid low, and allowed myself to be defeated.

Defeated by life. My mother’s death makes me angry. 

Defeated by my inner demons. Ocd, depression, food addiction, lack of self discipline, laziness, bad habits

Defeated by health issues. Always tired, exhausted, dizzy and falling asleep. Weight.

I realise when I look at the issues above, they are all connected.  Months before my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I had been doing well. My doing well involved a healthy daily routine, and morning gym time. I was losing weight. I was healthier mentally.

After a bad ocd episode, I slowly started to fall apart. Not only was my mental state failing, but some physical issues popped up as well. Mixed with no energy, headaches and dizziness, life seemed impossible. The doctors couldn’t pinpoint what was going on, so I started to wonder if I was just lazy and using depression as an excuse for not being able to do anything.  

Add in my feelings in regards to what we went through with Mom, It does not surprise me that I have allowed myself to be defeated.  However, now it is time to take my life back.

I am not so exhausted anymore.  A new doctor figured out my iron and B12 was low. Mixed in with my mental state, it was just enough to fuck me up. ;) Thankfully a cat scan and other blood work proved that it was nothing more serious.

I thought I was ready before, I was not.  I am ready now. I am more prepared. I am more healed. I am more at peace.  I have no more excuses. It is time to take control over myself again. Its time for me to be the Dominant, Independent, Healthy, “Future Amy” that I have hidden deep inside me.

For this to work I must break bad habits, and improve my self-discipline. They say it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. Ideally I would like to form some new habits, but mostly just break some bad ones.

After much research on self-discipline, I am ready.. or as ready as I will ever be… to start a new beginning. 

I have been working on a seven day plan, which starts tonight.  While it’s only seven days, it will be the stepping stones for a bigger better plan.

I will not sleep in. I will not allow myself to sleep more than 8 hours.

I will eat breakfast, lunch and supper.

I will not eat any fried food.

I will get physical exercise every day. (walking the dog does not count)

I will work on my skating for derby at least 3 times this week. (stance/crossovers/endurance/balance)

I will finish a full day’s work every day.

I will not watch any meaningless television unless all chores are done, and I am having downtime with Antz. This will not exceed 3.5 hours for the whole week.

I will not spend any meaningless time online. I will allow myself to blog my updates and check emails. I will only respond to those necessary.

I will keep a food diary.

I will text less, and be less attached to my phone.

Life is to short to waste. I want to focus on myself, loved ones, and the things I love. It is time to start living..

While a simple google search gives some excellent resources for self-discipline, here are a few links..

Monday, October 31, 2011

Finding Peace.....

"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."
- Eskimo Proverb

I still think of Mom daily. Numerous times a day. I still start to call her. I still forget she is gone. I still remember every mean thing I’ve said to her, and I still remember the suffering. I am still angry, bitter and think cancer fucking sucks. I still ache for Mom and miss her dearly.

However, I am feeling a bit better than I was. I think I have come to a point in my life where I am more accepting… or something. I believe a few things played a huge part in me finding a bit of peace, or at least feeling a bit more at ease.
A friend of mine recently lost his mother to cancer. It was very similar to the type of cancer mom had and he went through some very similar things that I did. I was there for him as much as I could be, to listen, offer advice, and just to chat. But, it was also like therapy for me. He listened to me. I got so much off my chest. Tommy, I am always here for you, and Thank you for being there for me as well. ( Once upon a time…. The end!...)

Twice this summer, I requested Mom’s presence and she showed. For those of you who do not know, my mother loved butterflies and when we see butterflies, it is her. This summer I had not seen any butterflies. On a particularly bad day, I had the dog outside playing fetch. I was so depressed; I cancelled all my work for the day, and was walking around in a daze. I looked at the sky and pleaded for Mom. Within minutes, a yellow butterfly appeared in the distant. I slowly walked towards it, only to notice more yellow butterflies popping up out of nowhere. It was amazing. It gave me the strength to pull myself together and get through the day.

Then, Labour Day weekend, Anthony and I rented a cottage on the lake. It was a wonderful weekend, where we spent the whole weekend on the dock with our feet in the water. I again was in a funk and was struggling to be happy, when I said to Anthony “I’ve not seen any butterflies in a long time. I wish mom was here”.
Seconds later the biggest butterfly I had ever seen flew between Anthony and me. It looped around a bit then flew across the lake. It was magical.

A few weeks ago, I started working on my newest tattoo. A partial tattoo sleeve in memory of Mom. This is in addition to the wrist tattoo, that my four sisters and I got in memory of mom.

I chatted with Lydia from Utility tattoo about what I wanted for my tattoo. I met her through derby and is incredibly talented. She created an amazing custom piece for me, and 2 weeks ago I sat down in her chair. Five hours later, I was rocking one stunning piece of art on my arm, and its only half done. I get it finished next week.

I constantly catch myself touching my arm, where my mom’s portrait is tattooed on. It puts me at ease. It reminds me she is here with me.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yes, It’s me! I’ve just not had any motivation to sit in front of my laptop and write. It seems when I turn my laptop on the only thing I do is browse eBay. I’m addicted! When I sit down to write, I can’t figure out where to start, to stop or what to say at all. So, I guess I will skip right to the updates.
I’ve been a bit strange lately. Depressed and fucked up by OCD, and when I get into a funk, I just can’t seem to get out of it. It’s annoying and I just want to sleep. Nothing seems important. I have started seeing a new therapist, finally. To get better, I know it will get worse. I find it terrifying. BUT, I’m happy overall.

Ok, fuck updates. I can’t seem to write anymore.

I think I might do some blogs in video mode….

Sunday, June 5, 2011

sweet sunshine

I'm pretty slack when it comes to keeping on top of blogging. I hope you are all well. Me?, I'm fantastic. The sun is fucking shining!

Today, I am hiking on private property, I know, I'm such a risk taker. Its property we have been hiking a lot lately. This private land leads to 22 acres that is up for sale, that Anthony and I are very interested in. The only difference with todays hike, is that I'm alone, with soleil and two pups that I'm fostering for littersncritters. Both mixed breeds from Labrador. One is 8 weeks, the other 12.

Tonka came with some siblings from Labrador. Her mother had 6 litters in 2.5 years. They would have been drowned if they weren't rescued. He will be leaving Thursday as he will be adopted

Lucy had been found on the side of the road in a box with her siblings. She is a smart cookie, with an independent streak. As of now she is still up for adoption.

When I informed people I was taking in two pups, their first reaction was..."But what will Soleil think?"

Soleil, my pitty has some fear aggression, and while she has never hurt anything, she will bark and charge if not introduced properly, especially when charged up. I was confident it would be fine.

Upon arriving home with the pups, in a crate, Soleil got a sniff of them and went wild. Barking and growling at them through the create. I was a bit upset with her to say the least. I allowed them to meet outside with them out of the create, which proved to be scary. I realized I had a lot of anxiety and wasn't allowing soleil slack to meet them properly. That caused some tension, and I was reading her behaviors all wrong. I confused playing for aggressiveness because of my anxiety.

Needless to say, I got a good sleep and was more rational in the morning. Soleil and the pups are fantastic together. Playing, eating, sleeping. I could not be more happy, nor more proud of soleil.

With that, I will end my blog with a reminder of how much puppies pee, poop and whine! Its a good thing they are cute ;)

I will be catching up on all your blogs shortly.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Be Different. Be Happy. Be Real.

I’ve always been different. If I wasn’t trying to be different, it would happen naturally. Sometimes, I crave normality and wish I was like everyone else. I am happy with myself, and truly believe my differences make me.. ME. Overall, I am a fairly well rounded person. However, when I’m breaking down and my mind is off, I just want to be normal.

Being the fat kid, taught me a lot about people, being unique taught me even more. For the most part, I am a social butterfly. I never stuck with just one crowd of people, and normally, I was accepted by all. Being the fat kid, being the different kid, being the crazy ocd chick, has made me into a very interesting person.

People confide in me. Perhaps because they know I will try not to judge, and I will try to understand, or because I will give my opinion in a non threatening way. Or maybe its because they know whatever they tell me could never be as bonkers as what is going on in my own head.

I don’t believe there is just one way to live. I believe we can all live peacefully with our differences. The most important part of life.. Is that you live! You need to be happy. You must take every step possible to ensure your happiness. I don’t mean artificial or material happiness either. I mean the real kind where you could be poor and still be smiling, OR, be alone, and know your not alone.

You must do this by being REAL. By being TRUE, to yourself and others. Some days it is easier then others, but a positive attitude goes a long way. The only other rule is that you go through life taking every possible step to prevent hurting others intentionally.

My first instinct when I witness something different is to judge. I think we are all made this way. However, I have made it a habit to stop, and think about why I’m judging. Then I ask myself two questions. “ Is what I am seeing hurting anyone?” and “Is the person and or people happy?”

It doesn’t matter to me….
what color you are,
what your gender is,
what your sexual orientation is,
Or what religion you are,
…. That is , as long as your happy.

I don’t care….
if you are CEO of some spiffy company,
if your monogamous or polyamorous,
if you’re a squeegee kid on the commons,
Or if you have you have 13 toes and 3 boobs,
….That is, as long as your happy.

If your a good person, everything else irrelevant. If your happy, I’m happy.

And, really, most of us don’t have enough legitimate reasons to be unhappy.

“If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different....I'd rather be completely fucking mental.”
truthism Angelina Jolie

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Valuable Are They In Your Life?

The other day I was chatting with a close male friend of mine about a few particular people in my life. I adore him, and always respect his opinion. I always find myself bouncing ideas off him, and getting advice from him. He is wise beyond his years, and is incredibly honest. Honest! He never beats around the bush. I love you Ben! <3

I found myself struggling with my a few particular relationships in my life, and I was unsure of what steps to take next. Ben asked me “ How valuable are they in your life?” In this particular situation, I cherished their friendships, so I decided to take the appropriate steps to make it work. However; I then began to ask myself how valuable each and every person was in my life? Really, I had been examining every relationship I had with every single person since coming back from Cape Breton., but this just took it one step further.

I think I am a good friend. I give, and give and give until I can’t give anymore. I love to be there for my friends, regardless of the situation , regardless of the time or the day. If you want me, I am there! Anthony and I are both very giving people. So giving, that we often get burned and taken advantage of.

So, while in Cape Breton, I was incredibly surprised at how many of my “close” friends disappeared. I get that it was a hard situation, an awkward situation, and no one knew what to say. But there are other ways to be there for someone.

On another note, I was incredibly surprised how many friends exceeded my expectations when I needed them. It didn’t take much. Random texts offering love and support, long distance hugs and random emails. Some took it a step further and were REALLY there for me. I am still amazed.

In the 6 months I have been back in Halifax, I have noticed a huge difference in myself. In my friends and who I really value. I tried letting go of my anger and tried to make amends with those I felt abandoned me in my time away. (Sounds dramatic, I know!) I believe in second chances, working things out and forgiving. So that’s what I did. Clean slate for everyone!

Interesting enough, I put much effort into a lot of my current friendships. I have reached out and tried to connect. One can only give so much, before they realise its not worth it. That what or who we are working for, really doesn’t deserve your time. I had to ask myself and answer honestly.. “ How valuable are they in my life?” I am delighted and incredibly fortunate to say that I have let very few people go. I refuse to invest anymore time into those who are not valuable in MY life. I have other people and things that my time will be better invested. Other places its more respected and enjoyed.

I am a very fortunate person.